
For all things that truly matter . . . to the five of us.

Anyone out there missing LOST? November 26, 2007

Show of hands — who has watched the Lost webisodes, “Missing Pieces,” airing on ABC.com??

Lost Webisode

Two have been posted thus far.  Though Your Mom hasn’t devoted the time yet, I’m sure she’ll get antsy soon and check them out.  But, the cool thing is that not only will they help fellow Losties get through the next month-plus without the show, but apparently they might help solve the writers’ strike, according to the New York Times:

The “Missing Pieces” episodes were written by the regular writers of the television series, a group that includes Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof, executive producers of the series, who also oversaw production of the webisodes. They also feature the show’s regular actors and characters, including Matthew Fox, who plays Dr. Jack Shephard. Mr. Fox appears in the first installment, released last week. The writers, actors and others involved in the production were paid specifically for their work on the Web episodes and will earn residual income, just as they do for the broadcast show.

In an interview Mr. Cuse said that while it took five months to reach an agreement, he believes the “Missing Pieces” deal could serve as a template for resolving at least some of the dispute over payment for online use of material.

Full story after the jump.
